Of Toddler Milestones

So I am now officially a toddler 😀 I wonder why mamma keeps moping that she is missing her ‘baby’! I thought she was in a hurry for me to grow up – Amma, remember those colic cries and cluster feeds when you would keep wondering (aloud!) when I’d grow out of all this !!

And I have caught amma giving me the stinky eye over my talking and walking milestones! I mean, I do keep blabbering to her through the day – but supposedly that doesn’t count. She wants me to talk clear coherent words ****Rolling eyes at her**** Also she doesn’t seem very happy about the fact that I have taken to calling everybodd everything) “amma” – from grandma to the overhead fan . See am trying to “communicate” but she doesn’t seem to be getting it!

And her favorite grouse is “walking”. Supposedly in her rule-book, I should be walking(if not running) by now considering I started crawling by eighth month. She says four months is more than enough to have mastered it! Ho the pressure of growing up I say…

I remember somewhere between 3 – 3.5 months when I hadn’t yet perfected the “rolling over” part – she would keep incessantly murmuring in my ears “Roll over, Roll Over”. Ho ho I better start taking things in my hand – what if she now invokes the walking mantra!

And in other news, around my birthday I popped my first teeth. Mamma was heard telling her friends that I acted as if I was “possessed”  :-O



Yea Yea Toddlerhood 😀 Bhavimma this suits me no!


Of GodMothers….

Mamma promises this is her absolute last post before she hands back the baton to me! But considering she’ll introduce all my godmothers here, I might as well let her be… I think I should take some hints from them on how to survive this mamma of mine ! So off to read momma’s diaries…

My series on pregnancy post won’t be complete without mentioning the awesome support system I had around me in the form of my friends. As I said, I had managed to bury myself deep into a shell and refused to even peep out. But dragged me out they did and for this I would be eternally thankful to this lot.

Heralding the gang would be my dearest Sabs. I was blessed that she lived right next door. So every evening pop would come in my personal sunshine, painting the world all bright and beautiful  😀  And as it was destined to be, she was the one who was right next as I went into labor and kept massaging my lower back until the last moment! Ho what would I do without her..

Then comes my amazing Ishithaa who despite going through an emotionally wreaking time in her personal life would be there for me online every single day! Not a joke really. Also she was the one who was the literal backbone of our first birthday celebrations. Hugs my girl!

And then there was this gal who sneaked into Bangalore in “stealth” mode and kept me company through the week  😉 What fun these people are I say!

Of course there is  my little sis who would drag herself across the town – leaving her then three month old – to give me company! Honestly I cannot imagine doing it myself. I’m really  wowed!

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My Very Own GodMothers!

Today as I look back at this journey which is more than a year old, I can imagine how dreary and tiring it would have been if I did not have these soul sisters through my journey! Hugs…..