Of Brown Bears….

Somebody please tell amma that she has to make up her mind! Till other day she was cribbing that I don’t love my books. So this time I indulged her as she read “Brown Bear, Brown Bear, what do you see” and did not crawl away till the last page. And simply cause momma had a happy grin (ok ok I did enjoy it a wee bit) I asked for the book to be read again and then again and then again!

Now you would expect her to jump up and down with glee rt – But no she unceremoniously dumped me(along with the book) with my achamma (gradnma) who happily proceeded to read it again to meΒ  – Thank god for her !


Mamma says this is the only time I sit put at one place!

Amma never seems happy when I wake up for my 1 am feed :-O So yesterday when I woke up, I was so glad to see “Brown bear brown bear” beside me – I was pretty sure she would hug me and read me to sleep! But but who would have guessed – she literally flung the book from the bed and popped in the boobie into my mouth… Haaaw!!

Please tell her that practice makes a man(Child) perfect.. so she ought to indulge me even if I ask the book to be read 10 times back to back (who knew she was actually keeping a count :-O ). And she thinks if she reads it in a boring monotone sound, I will be put off – ha ha πŸ˜‰

PS: Thaddikaaro-maamo, I know I know you got me this book after two weeks of research! Amma was seen shaking her head in disbelief and awe at the very thought of it. But now I think she is no more amused and may soon take out a quotation on you – don’t complain you were not warned!

Mamma is linking this to Vidya aunty’s Gratitude post. She says she is indebted tp Thaadikaaran Maama for igniting this love for books in me and hope this becomes a lifetime affair! Strange ways she has to show her gratitude though rt πŸ˜€




My Bhavimma!

Lookie lookie.. I have the first guest post here… My lovely lovely Bhavimma :-*

Dear Little One,

You are all of one now.

How do you feel, is such a cliched question. But nevertheless, I am tempted to ask. Imagine what your mummy would say – “Bah! He invites her to his blog and this is what she has to ask – how are you!! ” I can even imagine the shape her mouth would assume to show her contempt. But we will let her be. Whatever said and done, she is alright πŸ™‚

Do you remember the blast we had on your big day?

The first time I came to see you, you were sleeping and I could not even hold you for the fear of waking you up. At that moment I wasn’t sure when I would be able to see you next. When your mummy called me for your first birthday and when the plan was finally fixed, my joy knew no bounds. I was counting the days to D-day and was probably more excited than your poor mom. You of course had no idea what was happening. You were busy being sick and everything.

After an eventful journey which also happened to be my first trip alone to an unknown place I came near you. You were sleeping so peacefully one moment and the very next moment you opened your eyes and looked at me. Babies cry when they wake up from sleep and find a stranger next to them. What did you do? You opened those large eyes and looked at, smiled… as if you see me every day. That is the moment I knew, that there is something more between us that is seen.

Do you remember how astonished your mummy was when we got along so well that you even started to eat what I gave you and how you came away with me during the party for the small breaks when the crowd became too much for you?

Be the way you are, even when you turn 21. Loving, kind and contented. No matter what life gives you – show the world your huge smile and move on. Nothing is more important than your well being and your happiness, but that doesn’t mean you trample on the happiness of others’. Be careful of that. And finally, always know that you are enough. You are a precious child and we all love you. All we want to do is to see you happy and content as you are now.

Love you loads kannaa…Β  Umma!!


Dont we make one happy pair Bhavimma πŸ˜€


PS: Thank you for having me over πŸ™‚ Give your mummy a hug from me okay?

PPS: Mamma says this note bought a lump to her throat… Though I think it is cause of stuffing herself with all that palm candy muthashan bought for me all the way from kolkota!