Pregnancy Tales

Of course we are talking of Mamma’s pregnancy story when she was expecting yours truly 🙂

This is my pregnancy story. A strange story it is….A story with lot of ups and downs.

 This pregnancy of mine was a precious One – it came after a lot of heart wrenching, tears and prayers. We had conceived almost seven years into our marriage via IUI. When we tested two weeks after IUI – it was termed a “weak positive” meaning the Beta HCG levels were on lower percentiles. This bought nightmares of the last abortion I had over low HCG levels. We were to repeat the test after 48 hrs and the longest 48 hours it indeed was! Thankfully, the levels had tripled……

 The first scan to check baby’s heartbeat and confirm pregnancy – am surprised the doc could hear anything – so loud was my heart beating. Ho the relief of seeing those tiny heartbeats! But little did I know (or maybe the pessimist in me did) that the fun was about to just begin!

 I had a horrendous first trimester. The nausea n incessant vomiting were minor discomforts. I had three bleeding incidents – two of them needing hospitalization (now I question if they were required). The last one was very heavy and I was very sure I lost my baby! That fateful day – 13 Jul 2014 – the clock had just stuck 12 n we were about to cut BIL’s b’day cake – I had a gush of bleeding n it was a LOT of blood! That late night rush to the hospital and the long wait for scan until next day morn are still stuff of my nightmares. Thankfully, I had a fighter within me! My lo clung onto his dear life (literally!). Then started the bed rest……

 Thankfully, I decided to ditch my gynec then – her fear and no-confidence were rubbing off on me! I now realize, I should have done that much earlier. My new gynec was a no-nonsense, confident matronly lady! She was the best that happened to my pregnancy. The first thing she did was throw the bed rest and half the meds out of the window.

 But I was one of those who believed in “Be safe than sorry” so I was on a self-imposed house arrest and bed rest (ho! the horrors of it!). It was only in the last few months that I started to relax! But the trauma of first trimester still hung in air. I would minutely inspect my panties for tiny speck of discharge! Thankfully there were no replays.

 All this fear made me “close up” – I would read up about all “worst case” scenarios of emergency Csec and read zilch about “Normal delivery”. Nether did I sign up for any Lamaze classes!

 So imagine my surprise, when at 37th week, all of a sudden there is a “show” and the same night I go into labor! N in less than six hours my lo is out in “normal delivery”! I know, six hours of labor is a dream run considering I hardly moved around (literally) during my pregnancy. But I and my dh were so badly prepared for this that we didn’t know how to handle the pain. I took a epidural too late – I dilated from 6 cm to 10 in less than 2 hours!

The drama of course doesn’t end there. I ended up having a forceps delivery because baby was in distress And my little mister didn’t cry as soon as he is out. Thankfully he revived in no time and did not require any NICU visit! What a fighter this one is

 As they say all is well that ends well 🙂

 It’s such a no brainer – I was ready for all worst-case conditions I knew nothing about the best case scenarios!


The B’day Boy!

Nee nee not my b’day though my first birthday is around the corner too! This was the big day of big boy Munchie. As usual mamma made a hue and cry about it – she spoilt my poor dada’s happiness when she realized that none of the shops around were stocking upon her  exacting “cycle of dreams” birthday gift ***Rolling my eyes****

As for me – I was as usual the perfect gentleman! Now that means making sure the B’day boy poses well for the pics rt….  not a easy job making that wriggly distracted two year old look into the camera! So at times I had to employ some dubious tactics like pulling his hair or snatch that balloon away !

PS: An excerpt from Momma’s diary

15 Jan 2016

N my little boy turns two! I think I love him a wee bit more for choosing to be born on my daddy’s death anniversary – ha how much of sadness did he wipe way from my life. Love you my Munchie boy – Muah!



In sickness….

An excerpt from my mammas diary:

30 Dec 2015

Such a bummer day it was. My little one was down with fever from last night. He had just settled down for his morning nap. We were happily talking of his upcoming birthday plans with his visiting grandparents when we heard a loud shrill from his bedroom. We rushed into see that he has managed to fall off from his cradle :-/. Of course he was scared and from then started the whining which is so not like my happy sunshine boy.

He was just perking up post lunch and was fooling around with his dada. He was crawling full speed chasing his dad when he tripped over and hit the floor. There was a bad laceration on lips, blood and swelling :-|. The trooper he is, he didn’t cry much but by evening the fever again shot up.

Ho how my poor kannan kept whimpering that day! I don’t think he has ever cried so much in these many months.

Thankfully all is well that ends well!


That swollen lips :-/

Of course I understand amma was worried (and that means my poor dada faces the brunt of it )! But does that justify her trying to take my temperature like four times in an hour. And when it consistently showed normal she was sure the thermometer is skewed and made my grandpa buy a new one!
 Talking of thermometer, I think it’s about time somebody came up with a new design. Amma tries to pin me down for eternity until that damn thermometer beeps from my underarms! Can you fault me from trying to escape this inhumane treatment…. But of course she refuses to empathize and I have caught her giving one dead stares!
Phew! This sickness can be a tiring business

At the strike of New Year…

Haapie New Year!

Exciting right given this is like my first ever new year – well that’s exactly what these clueless parents of mine thought too. So they decided its perfectly sane to  wake me -a poor sick infant – up from deep slumber to pose for a selfie at strike of midnight! And as if that was not enough, they tried puling all stunts trying to get me to smile – Like seriously !! 12241227_10153727662781043_3628397655371262473_n

But you know what takes the cake! Post the photo session amma expected me to go back to sleep without a whimper – I mean these folks will not stop surprising me! *** Shaking my head in dismay***

2016, here we come monkeying around!