Pregnancy Tales

Of course we are talking of Mamma’s pregnancy story when she was expecting yours truly 🙂

This is my pregnancy story. A strange story it is….A story with lot of ups and downs.

 This pregnancy of mine was a precious One – it came after a lot of heart wrenching, tears and prayers. We had conceived almost seven years into our marriage via IUI. When we tested two weeks after IUI – it was termed a “weak positive” meaning the Beta HCG levels were on lower percentiles. This bought nightmares of the last abortion I had over low HCG levels. We were to repeat the test after 48 hrs and the longest 48 hours it indeed was! Thankfully, the levels had tripled……

 The first scan to check baby’s heartbeat and confirm pregnancy – am surprised the doc could hear anything – so loud was my heart beating. Ho the relief of seeing those tiny heartbeats! But little did I know (or maybe the pessimist in me did) that the fun was about to just begin!

 I had a horrendous first trimester. The nausea n incessant vomiting were minor discomforts. I had three bleeding incidents – two of them needing hospitalization (now I question if they were required). The last one was very heavy and I was very sure I lost my baby! That fateful day – 13 Jul 2014 – the clock had just stuck 12 n we were about to cut BIL’s b’day cake – I had a gush of bleeding n it was a LOT of blood! That late night rush to the hospital and the long wait for scan until next day morn are still stuff of my nightmares. Thankfully, I had a fighter within me! My lo clung onto his dear life (literally!). Then started the bed rest……

 Thankfully, I decided to ditch my gynec then – her fear and no-confidence were rubbing off on me! I now realize, I should have done that much earlier. My new gynec was a no-nonsense, confident matronly lady! She was the best that happened to my pregnancy. The first thing she did was throw the bed rest and half the meds out of the window.

 But I was one of those who believed in “Be safe than sorry” so I was on a self-imposed house arrest and bed rest (ho! the horrors of it!). It was only in the last few months that I started to relax! But the trauma of first trimester still hung in air. I would minutely inspect my panties for tiny speck of discharge! Thankfully there were no replays.

 All this fear made me “close up” – I would read up about all “worst case” scenarios of emergency Csec and read zilch about “Normal delivery”. Nether did I sign up for any Lamaze classes!

 So imagine my surprise, when at 37th week, all of a sudden there is a “show” and the same night I go into labor! N in less than six hours my lo is out in “normal delivery”! I know, six hours of labor is a dream run considering I hardly moved around (literally) during my pregnancy. But I and my dh were so badly prepared for this that we didn’t know how to handle the pain. I took a epidural too late – I dilated from 6 cm to 10 in less than 2 hours!

The drama of course doesn’t end there. I ended up having a forceps delivery because baby was in distress And my little mister didn’t cry as soon as he is out. Thankfully he revived in no time and did not require any NICU visit! What a fighter this one is

 As they say all is well that ends well 🙂

 It’s such a no brainer – I was ready for all worst-case conditions I knew nothing about the best case scenarios!

11 thoughts on “Pregnancy Tales

  1. Oh, you tell your tale so well! I enjoyed this read, it brought back the memories of my own pregnancies… What a special time it is… And true – when the end is well, all is well:-)


  2. I’m so sorry that you had to go through all this. It’s scary and I know how much you’d have feared. I am glad that you are happy with your dear one now. Love always ❤


  3. Uff I don’t think anything can prepare us for what actually happens during delivery. All those Bollywood films make it out to be way more scary and that was all the reference I had. I am glad it worked out so beautiful for you.


  4. I am so glad it worked out well for you, meena! I had two bleeding scares too and Gy was a very precious child because we had waited 2 years and tried many ways to conceive and had failed, finally resulting in normal conception. Your little one is certainly a delight and true to his form shall be a fighter all through. God bless you and the family 🙂


  5. High five! I had the same experience with the firstborn except that it was a normal conception after three years of treatment. Those bleeding sessions and the uncertainty around the pregnancy being successful…I’m still scared to even remember those. And trust me, these forceps kids are the best fighters. Lots of love yo you and the little munchkin. God bless you! 🙂


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