And we go shopping….

I was visiting my Muthashan-Muthashi(Grandpa – gradma) for the first time in Chennai. Of course, they were very excited to have me over and rightly so! I totally rocked the party and was generally having a gala time with all of them fussing over me. But then came the bummer…..Muthashi’s mother had to be hospitalized! I did try cheering all of them up – but there is only so much a little soul can do rt.

So it was the weekend after she was discharged – we went to this departmental stores for some grocery shopping. Now I tell you, these departmental stores are so much fun. Imagine, stacks and stacks of things arranged! Just the perfect venue for a game of “Bowling” I say 😀

So as I was saying, once at the store – I decided to be very large hearted and let them entertain me to their hearts content! They wanted to take me on a ride in the shopping trolley and I let them be. Then Muthashi had this brain-wave of  placing on top of a big stack of chairs and I very boldly sat on top it – even am impressed with my bravery! But I think amma-dada took it too far by plopping me into a shopping basket – Haaw!

As we were stepping out I heard muthashan murmur “The world is a much happier place to live in thanx to this lit fella”of course he didnt say it in so many words – but you get the drift rt). The things one has to do for the family I say…..

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